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Today we learning how to add js using Drupal standard code it means Drupal Behaviors let begin how to add js in Drupal 8 module.

Step 1. creating info file like my module name is "".

 name: My Module  
 type: module  
 description: 'for js file.'  
 core: '8.x'  

Step 2. creating .module for use of hook to attached js file to module.

 // use hook for attachment of library to module   
 function mymodule_page_attachments(array &$page) {  
  // using this variable we are creating js file initialization  
   $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'mymodule/mymodule-js';  

Step 3. creating mymodule.libraries.yml for attached js file

  version: 1.x  
   js/mymodule.js: {}  
   - core/jquery  
   - core/drupalSettings  

Step 4. after creating libraries you have to create js folder then inside the js folder you have to add js/mymodule.js file then you can write code of Drupal behavior.

 Drupal.behaviors.mymodule = {  
  attach: function (context, settings) {  
   // using this code we are just for learning proposed we just add class on site logo 
   you can write code of js below the comment.  
   jQuery('.site-branding__logo' , context).addClass('fancy-pants');  

Above four steps you can add js using Drupal behavior let me know this post helpful or not for you comment on if you have question about my blog post.

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