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Today topic how to download entire website for offline reading and any other development work so we are trying to explain to you how to download entire website let began

1st Trick How To Download entire website using the simple command.

Wget is a command-line utility that can retrieve all kinds of files over the HTTP and FTP protocols. Since websites are served through HTTP and most web media files are accessible through HTTP or FTP, this makes Wget an excellent tool for ripping websites.

While Wget is typically used to download single files, it can be used to recursively download all pages and files that are found on an initial page:

 wget -r -p //  

However, some sites may detect and prevent what you’re trying to do because ripping a website can cost them a lot of bandwidth. To get around this, you can disguise yourself as a web browser with a user agent string:
 wget -r -p -U Mozilla //  

If you want to be polite, you should also limit your download speed (so you don’t hog the web server’s bandwidth) and pause between each download (so you don’t overwhelm the web server with too many requests):
 wget -r -p -U Mozilla --wait=10 --limit-rate=35K //  

Wget comes bundled with most Unix-based systems.

2nd Trick How To Download entire website using Httrack Software.

Httrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility.

It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable and has an integrated help system.

HTTRACK works like a champ for copying the contents of an entire site. This tool can even grab the pieces needed to make a website with active code content work offline. I am amazed at the stuff it can replicate offline.

3rd Trick How to download entire website using this website  websitedownloader

All you need to do is enter the Website URL you want to download into and after a couple of minutes, depending on the size of the website, you will get a zip that would contain the HTML source code of the website.

You can also preview the list of files that the zip would include so that you are fully assured of the contents of the ZIP.

The world now has over a one billion websites and the entire world population is 7.4 billion as of writing this article. This means, there is 1 website for every 7 people on the Earth. Although, it does not work exactly like that but it would not be wrong to make an estimation like this – 1 website for every 7 people!

Which Websites Do You Want to Download?

The bigger the site, the bigger the download. We don’t recommend downloading huge sites like MakeUseOf because you’ll need thousands of MBs to store all of the media files we use. The same is true for any other site that’s frequently updated and heavy on media.

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