There are two ways we can run select queries in Drupal 8, and they both work similarly to the way they did in Drupal 7. We have the D8 eq...
Now that we have some tables to work with, let's take a look at how we can run queries against them. If you are following along, ...
✅ Step 1. Enable the required module Download and install the font-your-face module from 🔻 Enable the font-your-face modu...
Since taxonomy term is an entity all the Terms for a specific vocabulary can be fetched using following entity query. $query = \Drupa...
Field collection can be used in case a field has sub-fields. For e.g Name can have sub-fields such as First Name, Middle Name, and ...
In custom module, Node can be loaded in the following way : use \Drupal\node\Entity\Node; //Don't forget to add a use statement i...
JS library to a view can be attached using hook_views_pre_render(). Use the following code to achieve it: /** * Implements hook_v...